Should you be driving?

Aussie drink-driving laws have similar penalties, but our BAC level is still at .05. This will be moved to .02 in the coming years.
Be safe for you, your family and the person you may injure because, you thought you were ‘ok to drive!’



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Substance engagement – drug use – is always, and we do mean always, the first step to addiction.

It all too often starts innocuously enough, a taste, a try, an experiment. However just below the surface of that seemingly libertarian, care-less and ‘free spirited’ façade, there is almost always an attempt to meet or alleviate a perceived need, deficit or dis-ease. We may not be able to ‘name’ it, but we sense it, and that nagging discomfort or discontent that must be addressed legitimately is ever primed for a short-cut for relief. And the seductively clad, but tyrannical mistress of substance use, stands by with its counterfeit solution to ‘whatever ails you!’

At its core, this solution, this invitation, this temptation to use is a lie disguised as a promise of fulfilment.

At best it becomes a perpetual allurement that never quite delivers, but seductive enough that it keeps you in that humanity diminishing regimen of toxin consumption with all its attending short and long-term harms.

At worst, it leads you ever whirling in a dance of inevitable death of both body and soul.
The Dalgarno Institute

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